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Association of Partner Organizations

We are experiencing fast changes in the skill ecosystem. Hence there is a need for constant dialogue among us and other stakeholders including the government. The collective existence of the partner organisations will be an effective mechanism for this which will be reflecting upon and influencing the emerging needs, approaches and policies to keep us relevant and make us more effective.

This is the context in which FVTRS thought of creating common platform of the partners of FVTRS and other organisations who are interested in skill development. This will converge and synergize the ongoing activities, capacities to enhance the effectiveness of each one. This will help us to continue the relationship with our partners and supports each other so that all of us will be remain updated, relevant and more and more effective. Today professionalism is imperative in any field and the association shall be a platform to enhance the professional skill of NGOs who lacks professionalism. Hence, we are in the process of forming an association of our existing partner organization as beginning of network and it is likely to expand in due course of time. The aims and objectives, activities, structures, modus operandi etc. is articulated in memorandum of association.


To facilitate appropriate skill development among the underprivileged youth so that they will be able to engage in gainful livelihood and lead a dignified life.

Objectives of the Association

  • Promote solidarity and purposeful cooperation among the partner NGOs through a meaningful dialogue for the vocational training and employment generation for the under privileged youth.
  • Create a resource base and facilitate knowledge management among the partners to strengthen their capacity to be more relevant and effective.
  • Mainstream the skill development as a continuous and people owned process by facilitation of associations of skilled youth at different levels.
  • Work, co-operate with the Government, Private Sectors and other stakeholders through networking and formulation of joint strategies in areas of common interests and address problems and issues that require collective actions or solutions in livelihood related skill development.
To receive, use and donate grants, donations and loans both financial and non-financial from individuals, institutions, corporates, financial institutions, government and other like minded sources from India and abroad for achieving the aims and objectives of the association.

Consortium Concept

Consortium Membership Details