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Towards Green Trades

Skills in Organic Farming

An attempt is made through this book to recognize the skills of traditional farming that is being practiced by farmers, especially in Rajasthan. The book is to create widespread knowledge on simple skills that can be acquired by farmers for better management of their crops. In-fact so far these skills were limited to various agricultural produces, but never thought of converting these knowledge and skills as revenue models. The skills and knowledge that is already available could be consolidated and further converted for better livelihood. Therefore, key purpose of this book is to provide recognition to the skills and knowledge acquired by the farmers of Rajasthan and create a platform for sustainable livelihood through training and practices.

This book takes you through realizing several skills and knowledge whichispart of farming among the farmers were, especially in rural sector. In addition, it covers small tips to increase the efficiency while preparing organic manure and pesticides. It's true, the information’s are known to the farmers and it was in use for generations. We feel that these information’s are very relevant for the farmers who are forced to do chemical farming due to various reasons.

Topics covered include better crop production techniques, pest management and other aspects in organic farming in a cost-effective manner. We also believe that the small farmers and landless farmers can make revenue through products of organic manure and pesticides by making use of the skills. There are also few new knowledge and skills like bio-gas plant which is technically proven as a simplest form of technique for the multipurpose use. Therefore, we believe that this book will in turn help the farmers for creating new avenue for livelihood. The Hindi version of the book is also available which will be very useful for the farmers as grassroot level. Overall, we believe that the content is very useful as the book is mostly focused on skill development in organic farming sector for livelihood enhancement.

In order to bring out this book a team of partners along with FVTRS team had a series of planning meetings where we could arrive at on the matters that to be published in the book. All the Partner organizations of Rajasthan contributed in preparing the content of the book and it was documented by Mr.Ajay Pandey and Mr. Deepak Sharma with the support of Mr. Bhanwarlal. The final Hindi version of the book was translated to English with the help of Mr. Prem Shankar and the Hindi version was reviewed by Mr.Rajaram. Mr. Naresh Madawat has written the introduction of the book. We have tried our level best to use simple language in articulating methods, usages and benefits of various practice. Thus, it can be understood by the farmers.